Monday, August 23, 2021

What are the Causes, Procedure, Aftercare, and cost of Tooth Extraction?

 Tooth extraction is one of the most feared procedures in dentistry. Patients have an assumption that it's a very painful procedure that is built by the horror stories they heard around. The tooth extraction is a routine procedure for most dentists it is a fact. Whereas a simple extraction procedure can cause you nothing more than minor discomfort. 



Causes of extraction of the tooth

When there seems to be no apparent problem with the tooth, you might be wondering why the dentist wants to remove your tooth. Only when there is no hope of saving the tooth, the best dentist near me decides to remove the tooth because they are professionals who can identify dental diseases and conditions. The dental disease can progress and cause further detrimental effects in the affected region if the tooth is not removed.


The procedure of tooth extraction

Between 5-30 minutes a routine tooth removal procedure can take anywhere. The procedure for the extraction of a tooth is as follows.

-Administration of local anesthesia which desensitizes the tooth. In proximity to the tooth that is to be anesthetized, this is administered in the oral cavity. Upon subsequent tooth removal, the desensitized tooth does not pain.

- An instrument is being used by the dentist named as an elevator. This is used to severe the ligament fibers that attach the tooth to the socket. This is an instrument with a blunt tip.

-An appropriate forceps are selected to engage the tooth to be removed after the fibers are severed. By the forceps, the tooth is then removed carefully. The tooth is removed entirely from the mouth, the dentist then makes sure of this. 

-There are some risks associated with an extraction. The procedure is optimally done without any damage to the adjacent teeth or structures, a good dentist also makes sure about this. 



Tooth Extraction aftercare

The site of Tooth Extraction Near Me usually heals in a few days. With the extraction of the tooth, there may be some degree of pain and swelling associated. By applying cold packs and taking painkillers, you can usually subside it.

  • For the next 24 hours do not rinse your mouth 
  • Take your medications as prescribed.
  • To take rest and not strain yourself, this will be ideal.
  • After the extraction socket is filled up with a blood clot vigorous spitting or similar activities may dislodge the clot and which may lead to a condition known as dry socket.

Cost of tooth extraction

The Tooth extraction cost varies widely depending on whether the tooth is impacted or not. Depending on the anesthesia you need, simple extraction usually costs between $75 and $200 per tooth and maybe more.

In the case of impacted teeth removal, the cost is significantly higher and it can land anywhere between $800 and $4,000. How much you pay for the procedure depends on where you live because many services are tailored to an area’s cost of living. 

Why Getting Professional Teeth Cleaning is Important?

 A moist and warm oral environment is very conducive for bacteria growth and it can manifest in a number of ways. Plaque is the film formed on your teeth by the bacteria colonies in your mouth. If this plaque isn't removed on time, the bacterial colonies calcify & they then mineralize into a very tough substance called tartar; this attracts even more bacteria. Plaque and tartar damage your teeth more.



In an active, destructive state bacteria can cause gum disease called gingivitis. If this condition isn't addressed in time, it leads to periodontitis. This attacks the bone and is a severe form of gum that houses your teeth. This results in bone loss; eventually, your teeth may even fall out as they don't have a solid foundation to hold them down.

Types of Dental Cleanings

It's best to get your teeth professionally cleaned by your Dentist Near Me, at least twice a year. This helps prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth. There are different types of professional teeth cleanings not many people are aware of, such as:

  • Prophylaxis - This type of teeth cleaning removes the built-up plaque that you won't be able to remove by regular brushing at home. This process includes tooth polishing. Dentists now recommend that professional teeth cleaning should be done every 8-16 weeks based on new data.


Tools Used: Fine hand instruments, ultrasonic scale, polishing cup, and paste.

  • Full Mouth Debridement - If your teeth haven't been professionally cleaned for over a year, there is bound to be a very heavy build-up of tartar. If there is a significant amount of calculus build-up in different areas of the mouth, your dentist will tell you that full mouth debridement is necessary.

Tools Used: Hand tools, a micro-ultrasonic scaler.

  • Gingival Bacterial Reduction - In this professional cleaning, laser light is used to kill bacteria in the infected gum pockets in the mouth. The cleaning process will be done in combination with gingivitis treatment.

Tools Used: Ultrasonic scaler, laser light, fine hand instruments, a polishing cup, and paste.

  • Site specific laser therapy - There are times when the bacterial infection affects the gums as well as the bone that holds teeth in place. In this case, a laser light will be used to attack the bacterial colonies that have formed deep within the gum pockets. When there is periodontal disease, this therapy is used. 

Tools Used: Fine hand instruments, micro-ultrasonic scaler, laser light.

  • Periodontal maintenance - If you have been treated for periodontal disease, you will have to go in for specialized, professional teeth cleaning every 8/10/12 weeks.

Tools Used: Micro-ultrasonic scaler, Fine hand instruments, a polishing cup, laser light, and paste.

As you can see, there are different types of professional teeth cleaning. With the number of cleanings and the type of deep cleaning teeth you will require per year, your dentist will ascertain the type. This will be based on the extent of plaque or tartar build-up and the present condition of your teeth and gums.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Why Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal is Necessary?

 To remove one or more wisdom teeth a surgical procedure called Wisdom Tooth Extraction Process is used. It may only be done by a dentist or an oral surgeon. The last permanent teeth to erupt in the mouth are wisdom teeth or third molars. Between the ages of 17 and 25, these teeth usually appear. Some people never develop a set of wisdom teeth in their whole life. 



Teeth that don’t have enough room to appear into the mouth or develop normally is being called impacted wisdom teeth. In the case of impacted wisdom teeth, it may erupt only partially or not at all. An impacted wisdom tooth may have:

  • Grow at an angle toward the second molar
  • It grows at an angle toward the back of the mouth
  • As if the wisdom teeth are ‘lying down’ within the jawbone and grow at a right angle to the other teeth.
  • Grow down or straight up like other teeth but stay trapped within the jawbone.


What are the problems caused by wisdom teeth?

If your impacted wisdom teeth result in problems then you will likely need to pull them out. The problems like:

  1. Continuous wisdom tooth pain
  2. Trapping debris and food behind the wisdom tooth
  3. Periodontal disease or infection
  4. Decaying of the tooth in a partially appeared wisdom tooth. 
  5. Damage to a surrounding bone or nearby tooth
  6. Development of a cyst around the wisdom tooth
  7. To straighten other teeth complications with orthodontic treatments


What are the risks associated with wisdom teeth removal?

A surgical approach that involves making an incision in the gum tissue and removing bone is occasionally required in the impacted wisdom teeth removal. The complications include:

  • Exposure of bone or painful dry socket when the post-surgical blood clot is lost from the site of the surgical socket. 
  • Infection in the socket from trapped food particles or from bacteria
  • Damage to nearby teeth, jawbone, nerves, or sinuses.



What you can expect during or after the procedure?


During the procedure-

Depending on the expected complexity of the impacted wisdom teeth extraction and your comfort level, your dentist or an oral surgeon may use one of three types of anesthesia. These are local anesthesia, Sedation anesthesia, or General anesthesia. Your oral surgeon or dentist during wisdom tooth extraction:

  • To expose the tooth and bone make an incision in the gum tissue
  • They also remove the bone that blocks access to the tooth root
  • If it’s easier to remove in pieces, they divide the tooth into sections
  • They remove the tooth
  • From the bone or the tooth, they clean the site of the removed tooth of any debris
  • Though this isn’t always necessary, stitches the wound closed to promote healing
  • To control bleeding and to help a blood clot form places gauze over the extraction site.


After the procedure

You are taken to a recovery room after the wisdom teeth removal near me if you receive general anesthesia or sedation anesthesia. Your brief recovery time is likely in the dental chair if you have local anesthesia. Follow your dentist’s instructions as you heal from your surgery on bleeding, food, pain management, beverages, stitches, etc.



After a wisdom tooth extraction you probably won’t need a follow-up appointment if:

  • If you don’t need removing of stitches
  • During the procedure, no complications arose
  • Pain, numbness, swelling, or bleeding complications, if you don’t experience persistent problems.





















What are the Four Things You Should Know Before Going for a Dental Implant?

 In 1952 a Swedish orthopedic surgeon named Per-Ingvar Branemark invented the Dental Implants. Today this is a very integral part of dentistry. It is a surgical fixture that is put into the jawbone. Over the span of a few months, it allowed the bone to fuse. To hold a replacement tooth or bridge, this “artificial tooth root” serves. Between the jawbone and dental implant, a process of fusion takes place which is known as “osseointegration”. Titanium is used in the making mostly dental implants. Without being recognized as a foreign object in our body, Titanium allows them to integrate with the bone. For dental implants, the success rate is close to 98% today.


Why dental implant is needed?

To replace a single tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth, dental implants can be used. When it comes to tooth replacement there are three options generally:

  1. A complete denture or Partial denture (Removable dental appliance)
  2. Cemented or Fixed dental bridge
  3. Dental Implant

The more affordable option for teeth replacement is Dentures. But because of the inconvenience of a removable appliance in the mouth, they are the least desirable. Dentures can affect one’s sensory experience and taste with food. 

Implants do not affect surrounding natural teeth and are supported by bone only. These three factors are specifically for dental implants:

  • Patient’s health
  • Missing teeth location
  • Cost
  • Preference of patient

What are the types of Dental Implants?

There have been two different types of dental implants historically:

- Endosteal 

- subperiosteal

An implant that is in the bone is referred to as Endosteal. An implant that rests on top of the jawbone under the gum tissue is referred to as Subperiosteal. As compared to endosteal dental implants subperiosteal implants are no longer in use today. This is due to their poor long-term results. 

Before, during, and after dental implant surgery

The dental surgeon will visually examine the site in the mouth where a dental implant near me is being considered as well as look at the dental imaging studies, during the planning and consulting stage. 

The patient is usually given a local anesthetic to numb the surgical area as well as any other sedatives necessary for comfort and anxiety, during all surgical dental implant procedure appointments. A tooth or teeth extraction is the first stage of oral surgery. The tooth will need to be extracted in order to prepare for the placement of a dental implant. 


After the procedure to ensure that no infection exists and healing is taking place, follow-up appointments are necessary. The dental implant is tested to determine whether it was successfully taken up by the surrounding bone, after the required healing period. A prosthetic component is connected to the dental implant via a screw, once this has been confirmed. 

What is the cost of a dental implant?

A single dental implant cost can vary depending on who is performing the procedure and in which region you are. For a single dental implant, a conservative cost estimate is $3,000-$4,500. The surgery for placement of an implant, the implant crown, and all the components are included in this cost. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Invisalign Braces: How Help Restore Smiles?

 Invisalign’s introduction in cosmetic dentistry has become a boon to people desiring flawless smiles without noticing by others. Invisalign Houston not only offers effective results but saves you from the embarrassment of wearing braces. Adults were used to hesitating to go through the straighten teeth method using the metallic braces as they do not offer a pleasant appearance after wearing them.  With Invisalign, people are comfortable and satisfied with the methodology. Visit the Best Dentist In Houston for knowing each detail of the Invisalign procedure.


The process of getting Invisalign is not much different than the metallic braces. When you and Invisalign Dentist Near Me are determined that you need braces, you will have to go through pre braces examinations and routines based on images. Moreover, the Invisalign Dentist will prepare a treatment plan and help determine which option will be suitable for you.

How doctors plan the Invisalign procedure?

The Dentist Office Near Me takes 3D images of patients’ teeth to plant the procedure precisely. During the planning of the procedure, dentists may also explain to a patient about the procedure in detail like how his/her teeth will move during the Invisalign treatment procedure. 

What are Invisalign trays?

Just like regular braces, Invisalign trays (also known as aligners) will move teeth into position in a thorough yet delicate manner. Invisalign methods make the patient get straight teeth in a far more modern and less invasive fashion.


What are they composed of?

Invisalign braces are made of almost transparent synthetic that straightens your teeth and fixes any malocclusions that can drive bigger problems down the road. But they come without the connected metal brackets and hardened wires that are a staple of braces. In addition, Invisalign methods are far more reserved, yet more beneficial for wearers, than traditional braces. Patients carry each set of aligners for only about two weeks, as opposed to permanently carrying metal braces for the complete two to three-year process. Patients are also permitted to consume anything they want with aligners, instead of limiting their diets with traditional braces. This convenience is perhaps the most prominent benefit presented by Invisalign methods.


In addition to replacing aligners every two weeks or so, patients will also visit the doctor for a checkup every six weeks. The Houston Dentist will click pictures of the patient's mouth at each checkup to ensure he or she is improving as designed and that the methods of Invisalign are working to the desired end.


Do  Invisaligns’ take more time than metal braces? 

While there are no guarantees in regards to what amount of time it will require for Invisalign techniques to accomplish their ideal outcome, a straight arrangement of teeth!- teenagers who wear Invisalign supports will normally do so with a similar measure of time as adolescents who wear conventional supports. In any case, grown-ups need just a year or so of wearing Invisalign to address their prior issues.

People who have Invisalign can put off their braces-unlike those with metal braces. The techniques of Invisalign are amplified by wearing the aligners as long as possible each day. It is suggested that the patients keep the aligners in their mouths for up to 22 hours every day.

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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Dental Implant: What Should You Know?

 If you have missing teeth that you are currently using bridges or dentures to replace, you may be interested in upgrading your mouth to dental implants. Dental implants near me look just like your real teeth and unlike bridges or dentures that require special care and special diets, they wear in your mouth just like your natural teeth.

What Happens During a Tooth Implant Process? A Dental Implant Timeline


Parts of dental implants:


Dental implants have two parts. The first part is the part visible above the surface of your gum line, just like your natural tooth. This part resembles your natural tooth, even down to the same shade of white as the surrounding teeth. The lower part of the dental implant comprises a titanium screw that is surgically inserted into your jaw bone. Just as your real tooth is anchored by roots in your gum, your implant is anchored into your jaw. You can get it implanted at Dental Offices In Houston Tx.


What are the Advantages?


  • The advantage of a dental implant over bridges or dentures is great. First, you don’t have to remove your implant to clean it as you do with bridges or dentures. Because you can just brush and floss your implant like a real tooth, no one will ever know it’s not a real tooth. You can’t do that with dentures or bridges.


  • Another advantage of implants is the fact that they are just as strongly anchored in your mouth as your natural teeth. You can safely eat anything you want- even steak or caramel apples without the fearScience Articles, worry, and embarrassment that your teeth will come out. With dentures or bridgework not only do you have to restrict your diet to avoid these mishaps but sometimes it happens anyway with ill-fitting prosthetics.


Dentures and bridges both will wear down your jaw bone and as a result, you will constantly need to have them refitted so they sit right. Poorly made or dentures that don’t fit right can cause your mouth to develop painful sores and make wearing your teeth painful. In such cases, call an emergency dentist.


How To Prepare for the Dental Implant procedure?


If you are ready to consider dental implants you need to see your dentist and find out if you are a good candidate for them. You may need to have a CT scan done to make sure you have enough jaw bone density to surgically screw the dental implants into.


If you’re a smoker you will have to stop smoking since smoking can cause your mouth to heal too slowly after your surgery and your dentist will want to make sure you have the best possibility of success.


The only other consideration is you need to be in good overall health and as with any surgical procedure have realistic expectations about the results.

Dental Implants for Missing Molars: What Patients Should Know




Dental patients may see that there is a great deal of planning before dental implants. The Dentist Near Me should recognize the specific area, structure, and design of the jaw and mouth. For instance, relying upon the future location, he may have to distinguish the proximity of the sinus cavity or the inferior alveolar nerve canal in the jaw.  Besides the standard dental X-beams, CT scans results of the space might be needed also. It is imperative to know the specific state of the jaw and measure of bone that can uphold the inserts to keep away from inconveniences yet, in addition, to set up a dental implant that will fit precisely.


When the preparation has been done, the Emergency Dentist Near Me can start the real system. It is important to make a type of cut into the gums over where the dental implant will be embedded.


Most patients who have dental implants report that the implants wear and last like real teeth and with the proper care you should fully expect your implant to last twenty years or longer.

Article source:-

Is Invisalign A Better Option For Children?

  Many people prefer Invisalign over braces as they match the color of the teeth flawlessly. Suppose you have crooked, crowded, or misaligne...